Tag Archives: work at home moms

Kelsey’s Work at Home Tips for Moms

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Avon ambassador Kelsey talks about balancing the roles of a stay-at-home mom and entrepreneur, shared insights on how she efficiently manages her time amidst the chaos of parenting. With children aged three, two, and one, Kelsey paints a vivid picture of the daily challenges faced by a work-at-home mom.

Dispelling the illusion of a perfectly organized home, she admits that her house is often in disarray, and the only time it might be spotless is in the wee hours of the night. Her work environment mirrors the unpredictability of her days, with a desk-to-kids shuffle, showcasing the reality of juggling professional and parental duties.

Acknowledging the difficulty of the work-from-home lifestyle, Kelsey emphasizes the importance of adapting and finding a system that works. As a self-professed planner enthusiast, she recommends a color-coded planner from Amazon, detailing how she uses it to structure her days and weeks. This planner not only helps her manage tasks but also allows for flexibility when faced with the unexpected challenges of parenting.

The key takeaway is the significance of time management. She advocates for planning and scheduling, revealing her specific days allocated for customer service, marketing, prospecting, and even blogging. Her organized approach is a testament to the idea that, despite the chaos, a structured routine can lead to a successful work-at-home business.

Addressing the unique struggles of being a stay-at-home mom, she encourages others to embrace the unpredictability and cherish the moments with their children. Her advice extends to involving family members in the business, ensuring they understand and support the entrepreneurial journey.

Kelsey’s story resonates with the countless work-at-home moms navigating the delicate balance between family and entrepreneurship. It serves as both a practical guide and an encouraging narrative for those looking to thrive in the dynamic realm of working from home while raising a family.

Kelsey gives work at home tips for moms

Work at Home Mom Roshini Speaks About Self Worth

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Roshini provides her audience with a glimpse into her day, seamlessly blending personal anecdotes with reflections on her evolving approach to collaborations and brand partnerships.
As Roshini sits down to tackle her workload, she takes a moment to engage with her viewers, explaining her shift towards valuing her time and expertise. Responding to emails, pitching brands, and juggling her responsibilities, Roshini emphasizes the importance of aligning with companies whose values resonate with her own.

She delves into a pivotal moment from three years ago when a company initially approached her for a brand ambassadorship. Despite feeling crushed when the opportunity didn’t extend beyond that initial interaction, Roshini’s recent revelation about understanding her self-worth prompts her to revisit the brand. Intriguingly, just after expressing her concerns to her husband, the same company reaches out again, offering collaboration possibilities.

Roshini recounts her decision to pitch the company for sponsored content instead of accepting the usual product reviews. Demonstrating a newfound confidence, she declines when informed that there is no budget for payment. This shift in mindset reflects Roshini’s acknowledgment of her value and a departure from the past desire for validation.

As the vlog progresses, Roshini seamlessly weaves in updates about her family, including her husband’s unexpected illness and her son’s adventures with a new wheelchair. The vlog concludes with a charming scene featuring her son calling the devil on his toy phone.

Throughout the vlog, Roshini’s authenticity shines through, providing viewers not only with a snapshot of her daily life but also with insights into her personal and professional growth. As she bids farewell, Roshini encourages her audience to stay well and find inspiration in their journeys, leaving them eagerly anticipating her next installment.

Glamazini, a work at home mom, talks about self worth.