Work at home phone jobs consists of various types of work, including taking orders for restaurants, infomercials, hotel reservations, charitable contributions, customer service, surveys, B2B, Telemarketing, outbound, inbound and much more. But it does tend to have a high turnover rate, and because of that, there are usually many positions open for work at home phone jobs, unlike data entry. Customer service phone jobs are perhaps the most common type of work at home jobs for phone work.
Those types of phone jobs consists of taking orders for various types of products. Often times agents are required to do up-sells, which means selling items in addition to the item that the customer was originally calling to order.
Telemarketing phone jobs are also very common types of work at home phone jobs. Telemarketing phone jobs consists of calling people at home, as well as calling businesses (B2B or Business to Business calls). Call center phone agents working at home allow companies to save money on overhead, and it allows the phone agent to be able to save money on gas, clothes and day care.
Customer Service Phone Jobs – Phone jobs that are mostly inbound calls taking customer orders and doing customer service.
Telemarketing Phone Jobs – Phone jobs that are mostly outbound calls to homes and businesses.