Administrative/Clerical work at home jobs consists of various types of work. Clerical, typing, advice, phone work and more. Virtual Assistants usually do administrative clerical jobs. Often times they set up their own websites with information about their work history and services.
Virtual Assistants also work for the companies listed below. However, a person doesn’t have to be a Virtual Assistant to apply or work for the companies below. Just simply visit the website(s) you are interested in and apply.
Sometimes you will be asked to send a cover letter and/or resume, but not all of the time. With some websites, you just create an account with a user name and a password, then you set up your profile and begin working.
Team Double-Click – Various admin jobs for virtual assistants.
LivePerson – LivePerson is a unique service that matches people who have questions to the people who are qualified to answer them.
BzzAgent – Trying out various products and services, then sharing your opinions with reviews, etc.
SAT Essay Reader – Scoring high school level essays. Work At Home Jobs Categories