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Name of Company: Squidoo / Hubpages

Squidoo Position: Writer

Squidoo Job Description: Writing articles about various subjects

Extra info: A Brief Overview of Squidoo Squidoo was formed by Seth Godin (he served as Yahoo’s Direct Marketing Vice President and popularized permission marketing), and his associates Megan Casey, Heath Row, Corey Brown, and Gil Hildebrand, JR. in 2005. It is an online community where members or users can make a page (lens in Squidoo language) about any subject of interest. Hence, it is a user-generated website.

A lens or a page basically contains a member or user’s thoughts or opinion about any topic of her choice. The page is also able to link to any of the writer’s website, blog spot, favorite links, Amazon or eBay pages, Google maps, and many more.

How to get Started and Make Money with Squidoo
In 2014 Squidoo joined their company and lenses with Hubpages. You
can find out more about Hubpages and writing for them by reading our Hubpages company profile here.