Why Broadband?
Anyone looking to work from home should get broadband/high speed internet because most companies who hire work at home agents require agents to have broadband. And it’s just all around better than dial-up for getting work and tasks done. No competition, broadband beats dial-up hands down!
Broadband/High Speed Internet Is:
Cable Modem- Cable modem access is a form of high-speed service that links consumers to the Internet via the same fiber optic line that delivers cable programming to their TV sets. There is no interference with a user’s telephone line or cable television service.
DSL – DSL is a form of high-speed service that links consumers to the Internet by sending high-speed signals through their existing telephone lines. Regular phone calls transmit at relatively low frequencies. DSL data transmits at much higher frequencies. These transmissions can occur simultaneously, without interference.
Satellite – Satellite service connects people to the Internet without the use of telephone lines or fiber optic cables. Instead, a satellite dish installed at a consumer’s home transmits high-speed signals to and from the person’s computer via a satellite that’s in orbit over the southern sky.
Broadband/High Speed Internet Resources:
Broadband Reports – This place is a must to visit if you’re considering getting broadband. They have much info about everything broadband.